What is our refund policy ?

All sales are final and there are no refunds or transfers/exchanges between students allowed.

All cancellations within 24 hours are subject to a $50 cancellation fee.

All purchases/services are valid for one (1) year (365 days) from date of purchase.

Returned Checks results in a $25 fee.


If a student is not present for the lesson, or if the address given for pickup is incorrect, or if the students forgets to have their permit for the lesson, or if permit is expired while instructor arrives to the house and has to reschedule this counts as a no-show.No-shows are nonrefundable and subject to a $50 fee for rescheduling.

Instuctor will wait 15mins after appointment time if student is late. The 2 hours lesson start at appointment time. If 15mins past then the lesson will be a no show and a $50 fee will incur.

For Pickup and Drop-off Students, if the lesson is cancelled within 24 hours, there will be a $50 cancellation fee added to account No refunds, no exceptions.

We are not responsible for any items left in the car that may be lost or stolen. Please make sure you have your belongings with you.

All Online and Home study Traffic School purchases are final and there are no refunds.Please make sure you buy the correct course and understand what you are purchasing.

Before purchasing traffic school, make sure you get the approval from the court. We are not responsible for reimbursement if the court did not approve your traffic school. It is the students responsibility.

If over 18 and certificate is requested, there is a $50 fee.

If anything needs to be reprocessed/refunded there is a $50 administrative fee.